onsdag 28 september 2011

Notis läxa (del 1)

Carlén kan missa EM
Oscar Carlén var nära en comeback med tyska Flensburg när han under gårdagens träning skadade sitt knä åter igen. Högernian slet av korsbandet, två leder i knät som omger knäleden, för drygt åtta månader sedan och höll på att återhämta sig men riskerar nu att missa handbolls-EM i januari.

Källa : TT

torsdag 22 september 2011

Bette Davis

Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis was an American actress born the 5th of April 1908 in Massachusetts. During high school she wanted to become a dancer but changed her mind when she joined a drama class. She first appeared in some Broadway shows but was later spotted by a talent scout from Universal Studios that invited her to make a screen test in Hollywood. Her first role was in a movie called Bad Sister. The sceen test was a failure though and she was fired because they thought she missed sexual appeal. However, she didn't give up and was later seen in the movie Of Human Bondage and the year after she recieved an Oscar for her role in the movie Dangerous. During her lifetime she appeared in a total of 101 movies and recieved two Oscars, but was nominated nine times. Today, she is mentioned in a lot of popular songs like "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes. She died on the 6th of October, 1989.
Here's a video of Bette Davis in the movie Dangerous.

If I could ask Bette one question it would be if she is happy with the way her life turned out. It may be hard to imagine how your life would look if it hadn't turned out as it did but maybe she had other plans or wished to do other things that she never did. Since she wanted to become a dancer at first it would be interesting to know if she ever chased that dream or just abandoned it. I want to know if there was any things she had always wanted to do but never got to experience.

Källa : Wikipedia

Film : Vanessa knyter skon

Det här är filmen vi gjorde på medieproduktionen. Den handlar om Vanessa som knyter skon. Vi filmade allting på en lektion och redigerade den lektionen efter. I min grupp var vi Hugo, Loveh, Vanessa och jag.
Loveh var regissör, Hugo var kameraman, jag var redigerare och alltiallo och Vanessa var uppenbarligen skådespelaren. Jag blev nöjd med resultatet. Vanessa visar sina fantastiska skådespelartalanger och filmen kommer definitivt att bli en klassiker om ett par år. Hoppas att detta fantastiska filmgäng fortsätter berätta episka sagor och fantastiska draman även i framtiden!


tisdag 6 september 2011

English homework shizznit

Yo, what's up fellow blog readers!? :P <333

Seriously now.
My name is Erik and I live in Bromma with my mom, dad, sister and my dog Elvis. He's a one year old Westie (type of terrier dog). I live in a small white house, one of the famous "Per Albin houses". On my spare time I like to mix and create music using various computer programs and my keyboard. Music is my biggest interest, wherever I go or whatever I do I always listen to music. Mostly it's hardcore or post-hardcore metal but also some acoustic and slowly paced electronic music. I used to play in a band too but we disbanded a couple of months ago which was pretty sad but hopefully I'll find some other cool guys to play with. I also like to go to concerts, especially at Fryshuset. I've been there a couple of times and it has always been completely insane and when I come home with bruises all over myself I know it's been a good show. I also like to watch movies, especially horror movies. I don't know why but I just like getting scared. I know it sounds really weird but there is something fascinating, almost addicting in watching movies that get me really scared. I also like to edit video and sound, I've done that for about a year and a half and I must say I'm getting pretty good at it. I think that's pretty much all you need to know about me, or maybe all that you wish to know about me. My deep secrets will forever be secrets.. or something.
I'm just trying to end this blog post in a cryptic way.